Monday, May 7, 2012

"Latin Women Pray" By Judith Ortiz (Cofer)

Latin women pray
In incense sweet churches
They pray in Spanish to an Anglo God
with a Jewish heritage.
And this great white father
Imperturbable in his marble pedestal
looks down upon his brown daughters
votive candles shinning like lust
in his all seeing eyes
unmoved by their persistent prayers.

Yet year after year
before his image they kneel
Margarita Josefina Maria and Isabel
all fervently hoping
that if not omnipotent
at least he be bilingual.

, and First claudiapog08. "Latin Women Pray" By Judith Ortiz (Cofer). 2012. video.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I’m here cause I read your short story in a WRT 101 textbook. Thank you Judith.
